The granulated sea star (choriaster granulatus) is a large seastar that can be found in the waters of the Indo-Pacific region as well as in the northern tropical waters of Australia. It grows to a maximum radius of about 27 cm.
The Banggai cardinalfish (pterapogon kauderni) is a threatened species of small tropical cardinalfish that is essentially restricted to the Banggai Islands of Indonesia. However, a small additional population has become established in the Lembeh Strait in North Sulawesi, following introduction by aquarium fish traders.
The zebra lionfish (dendrochirus zebra) is a carnivorous fish with venomous spines that lives in the Indian and western Pacific oceans. Despite their obvious advantage, zebra lionfishes feed only on small crustaceans, and are in turn preyed upon by groupers.
The tassled scorpionfish (scorpaenopsis oxycephala) is a carnivorous fish with venomous spines that lives on reef slopes in the Indian and Pacific oceans. Adults can reach a length of 36 cm and can vary considerably in color.
The coconut octopus or veined octopus, is a medium-sized cephalopod found in tropical waters of the western Pacific Ocean. It commonly preys upon shrimp, crabs, and clams, and displays unusual behaviour, including bipedal walking and gathering and using coconut shells and seashells for shelter.
The false fire urchin (astropyga radiata) is an urchin found in the Indo-Pacific region. It is usually found in bays and lagoons with sandy or pebbly bottoms. It can reach diameters of 20 centimetres.
Francois Marechal Photography
1-1-35 Meguro, Meguro-kuTokyo 153-0063JAPAN
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